L. Willett |
2019 |
A Clean Sweep for Invasive Mussel Biofouling |
Article in Power |
L. Willett |
2018 |
Experiences with Using HOD UV Technology to Control Mussel Fouling |
Article in Hydro Review |
L. Willett |
2016 |
How Reclamation is Dealing with Biofouling at Lower Colorado River Dams |
Article in Hydro Review |
Claudi, R., T.H. Prescott |
2014 |
Evaluation of Copper Ion Generator for Effects on Settlement of Veligers and Impact on Adult Quagga Mussels |
Report for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
Claudi, R., T.H. Prescott, S. Mastisky, H. Coffey |
2014 |
Efficacy of Copper Based Algaecides for Control of Quagga and Zebra Mussels |
Report for California Department of Water Resources, Aquatic Nuisance Species Program |
Link, C. with L. Willett |
2014 |
Demonstration of Biweekly Zequanox Treatments to Control of Invasive Mussel Populations at Hoover Dam |
Report by Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. |
Claudi, R., T.H. Prescott |
2013 |
Evaluation of UV Technology at Hoover Dam as Means of Eliminating Downstream Settlement of Dreissenid Mussel Veligers |
Report for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
Claudi, R., T.H. Prescott, H. Coffey |
2013 |
Atlantium Technologies Medium Pressure UV Dose Required for Minimizing Downstream Settlement of Quagga Mussel Veligers |
Report for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
Claudi, R. |
2013 |
Use of Atlantium UV Technology for Control of Macrofouling in Industrial Cooling Water Systems |
Presented at the 18th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, April 2013, Niagra Falls, Ontario, Canada |
Claudi, R., C. Taraborelli, T.H. Prescott |
2013 |
Efficacy of Endothall for Control of Adult Quagga and Zebra Mussels |
Report for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
Claudi, R., T.H. Prescott, H. Coffey |
2013 |
Efficacy of EarthTec® Algicide for Control of Quagga and Zebra Mussels |
Report for Earth Science Laboratores, Inc. |
Wong, D., A. Watters |
2013 |
Effectiveness of EarthTec® on Killing Invasive Quagga Mussels in the Western U.S. |
Report by the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Nevada at Las Vegas |
Prescott, T.H., R. Claudi, K.L. Prescott |
2013 |
Impact of Dressenid Mussels on the Infrastructure of Dams and Hydroelectric Power Plants |
In: Nalepa, T.F., and D.W. Schloesser, eds. Quagga and Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control. CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, USA. pp. 243-257 |
Claudi, R., A. Graves, A.C. Taraborelli, R.J. Prescott, and S.E. Mastitsky |
2012 |
Impact of pH on survival and settlement of dreissenid mussels |
Aquatic Invasions 7(1):21-28 |
Claudi, R., T.H. Prescott, S. Mastitsky, D. Evans, A.C. Taraborelli |
2012 |
Evaluating low pH for control of zebra mussels |
Report for California Department of Water Resources, Aquatic Nuisance Species Program |
Claudi, R., T.H. Prescott, K. Prescott, S. Mastitsky, D. Evans, A.C. Taraborelli |
2012 |
Evaluating high pH for control of dreissenid mussels |
Report for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
Prescott, K. and R. Claudi |
2012 |
Examination of Water Quality in Clear Lake, California for Dreissenid Mussel Suitability |
Report for California Department of Water Resources, Aquatic Nuisance Species Program |
Claudi, R. and T.H. Prescott |
2011 |
Vulnerability Assessment to Quagga Mussel Infestation for Olivenhain, Hodges and San Dieguito Reservoirs and Associated Facilities, Including a List of Viable Control Strategies |
Report for San Diego County Water Authority |
Claudi, R. and K. Prescott |
2011 |
Examination of calcium and pH as predictors of dreissenid mussel survival in the California State Water Project |
Report for California Department of Water Resources, Aquatic Nuisance Species Program |
Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. |
2011 |
Davis Dam 2011 Zequanox Facility Treatments Report |
Report for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
RNT Consulting Inc. |
2009 |
Facility Vulnerability Assessment Template: Invasive Quagga and Zebra Mussels |
Report for U.S. Bureau of Reclamation |
Claudi, R. and A.J. Van Oostrom |
2009 |
Mitigation of biofouling in once-through cooling systems: An overview and case study on treatment optimization |
In: Van der Velde, G., S. Rajagopal and A. Bij de Vaate, eds. The Zebra Mussel in Europe. Blackhuys Publishers and Leiden/Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim. pp. 429-441 |
Claudi, R. T.H. Prescott, C. Taraborelli |
2008 |
Assessment of the ballast safe filter performance in removing quagga mussels veligers from the raw water of Lake Havasu |
Report for Sigma Design Company LLC, Springfield, N.J. and Maritime Solutions Inc. |
Claudi, R. and T. J. Ravishankar |
2006 |
Quantification of risks of alien species introductions associated with ballast water discharge in the Gulf of St. Lawrence |
Biological Invasions 8: 25-44 |
Brennenstuhl, A. M., B. Sim and R. Claudi |
1996 |
A progress report on the use of electrochemical noise to investigate the effects of zebra mussel attachment on the corrosion resistance of AISI Type 304 stainless steel
and carbon steel in lake water |
In: Kearns, J. R., Scully, J. R., Roberge, P. R., Reichert, D. L. and J. L. Dawson (eds.) Electrochemical Noise Measurement for Corrosion Applications - STP 1277. ASTM Publication Code No. 04-012770-27. |
Ackerman, J.D., B. Sim, S.J. Nichols and R. Claudi |
1994 |
A review of the early life history of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha): comparisons with marine bivalves. |
Canadian Journal of Zoology 72: 1169-1179 |
Claudi, R. and D.W. Evans |
1993 |
Chemical addition strategies for zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) control in once-through service water systems |
In: Nalepa T.F. and D.W. Schloesser (eds.) Zebra Mussel Biology, Impacts and Control. Lewis publishers: Boca Raton. pp. 563-573 |
US Army Corps of Engineers |
1993 |
Strategies employed by the power industry to reduce or eliminate problems caused by zebra mussels |
Waterways Experiment Station. Technical Note ZMR-4-05. |
Claudi R. and F. Spencer |
1993 |
Summary of the 1992 zebra mussel research at Ontario Hydro |
Ontario Hydro Report N-IR-07015-061-0001 |
Claudi, R. |
1992 |
Zebra mussels and their impact |
Paper presented at the North American Lake Management Society Meeting, Cincinnati, USA, November. |
Schaner, T. |
1990 |
Detection of Zebra Mussel Veligers in Plankton Samples Using Sugar Solution |
Lake Ontario Fisheries Unit 1990 Annual Report, LOA 91.1 Chapter 6 |
Claudi, R. and D. Lowther |
1990 |
Effect of sodium hypochlorite on adult zebra mussels at an electrical generating facility - case study |
Paper and abstract presented at the Annual North American Benthological Society Meetings, Blacksburg, USA, May |